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![]() Ninth Short Mother Mary's RosaryThe end of darkness is coming, and only Light is in store for you! [1]
In the name of I AM THAT I AM Words fail me to express the depth of Love in my heart that I feel toward you. Please accept my Love and gratitude. You know what is most important for the growth of my soul at present. I ask you to help me not to forget in the midst of the hustle of the day May my unbreakable bond with you support me in my life and help me In the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. 1. I AM Mother Mary having come to you today. Today my arrival will not be as joyful as before, for I am grieved, and my grief is associated with the many manifestations of the opposing forces which have fettered mankind and prevented it from envisioning the Divine Path. I am monitoring youth, and I am monitoring people of riper years, and – the elderly. Each generation comes to this world for the implementation of its mission. And it is sad to watch people suffering without God, seeking for God, yet failing in the twilight which is benighting the planet now. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 2. A more blissful course of evolution is endeavouring to come into your lives. All of you are in need of manifestations of Divine energies, including maternal energies of God which I am bringing you. My hope is not expiring and it cannot expire. I am seeking to manifest my Presence wherever it is possible. If you go to the woodland, you will see me among the trees, if you go to the field, you will see me in the sky against the clouds. If you are staring at the candle, I am with you, and you will feel my Presence in the crackle of the candlewick and in the flicker of the flame. If you have a habit of looking at my icon or my image, each time my Presence becomes more and more perceptible as you spend more and more time in meditation upon my image. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 3. I am with you in your lives. And there are no barriers between us. I manifest my Presence to every aspirant, to everyone who is able to create with his Love the atmosphere of harmony wherein I am able to manifest my Presence. Each time you think of me and appeal to me, we become nearer to each other. And our communication becomes possible despite the external unfavourable circumstances, despite the stranglehold of base energies in your world. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 4. I am with you against all odds. In this my Service is manifested. And every time you find time for a prayer or a prayer vigil, I am able to enhance your efforts a thousandfold. Thereby, we will become able to overcome any resistance from the dark forces. And no matter how difficult it is, no matter how furious any manifestations of the darkness and chaos are in the end, I know that all my children will sooner or later be with me. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 5. I clearly behold the day when each of you, my beloved children, will be saved and liberated from the captivity of the darkness and illusion. I clearly behold the day when you will be able to overcome all your inferior states of consciousness and consequences of the wrong choices of the past. I clearly behold the moment when the Divine Light will brighten your faces, and this state of Divine bliss will nevermore leave you. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 6. I am always with you in all the tightest situations that you can be in your lives. And now, when I have managed to gift you a particle of my love and care, I want to appeal to you once again. Beloved, do not sink into despair and grief nor give way to despondency. Inside of you there is a mechanism concealed which will enable you to solve the worst situation. Within you a particle of God is dazzling. You should regularly find time during the day for your communication with God. You should continuously cultivate within yourselves the feeling of the Divine. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 7. You need not force yourselves to pray. The devotional state of consciousness is innate. And you should simply constantly remember about our attunement and about our Unity. Then, when you think of me, you are already taking a step closer to God. You should find more time during the day for your communication with God. When God is able to be continually present near you wherever you are - outside, at work, at home, in a shop – everything will start changing around you, and your life will change its course and aim for the Divine Path of development. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 8. Not so much effort is required, beloved. I insist that you should constantly keep your consciousness in attunement with the Divine Reality. Use the whole range of means available for you: my images, Divine music, prayers, Rosaries. Everything capable of elevating your consciousness and raising it over the commotion reigning in your world will bring you closer to the Path of Light which is awaiting you and which will unfold itself before your eyes as soon as you prepare yourselves. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 9. It is no longer possible to wander in the dark. It is necessary to come out to the Path of Light, the Divine Path. Stop blaming other people, other countries and nations, your governments and state structures for your troubles and misfortune. Everything surrounding you corresponds to your level of consciousness. Change your consciousness, harmonise it with God, and everything in your lives will change within the lifetime of one generation. The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, 10. I am telling you that the Light Divine opportunity is within hailing distance, yet you do not see it. You need to illumine the space around you with the Divine Light emanating from your innermost being, and then you will obtain comprehension and knowledge that are necessary for you in order to come out of the darkness into the Light. I have come to you today to remind you that everything is possible with God. And your aspiration to the Common Weal and Good will be encouraged by all the Heavens and the energies of the coming New Age. You need not grieve and heat up flames of despair. I am saying to you that the end of darkness is coming, and only Light is in store for you! The Hail Mary: Hail Virgin Mary, full of grace, Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit and to the Divine Mother In the name of the Father and of the Mother and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. [1] The Rosary is based on Mother Mary's dictation of June 25, 2012. [2] The text of the prayer to Mother Mary is translated in accordance with the prayer given by Mother Mary in Her dictation of January 4, 2009. |
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